China-US relations following Xi-Biden meeting in San Francisco(Episode Two)


Hello and welcome to the CISS podcast, “On the Spot” series. This is BeiBei with China Forum, Tsinghua University.

In today’s podcast, we will continue with Prof. Da Wei’s analysis of the recent meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden in San Francisco. Will this face-to-face meeting usher in a more friendly phrase of bilateral relations or is it just a much-needed respite from the already complicated state of global affairs?What kinds of people-to-people exchanges are on the horizon between the two countries? Please stay tuned to find out more.

With this, we’ll wrap up the discussion with Prof. Da Wei, director of CISS, Tsinghua University, on the latest development of U.S.-China bilateral relations. Thank you for listening.

China-US relations following Xi-Biden meeting in San Francisco(Episode Two).mp3

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